
An overview of fees on the Transporter bridging app.

Transporter fees reflect the standard fees for using Chainlink CCIP, which cover the estimated gas costs of completing transactions on the destination chain and the premium paid to CCIP service providers. Transporter does not charge any additional fees for using the interface. 

The CCIP payment model is designed to reduce friction for users by supporting fee payments in different assets. Users can pay CCIP fees in blockchain-native gas tokens or LINK. Fee payments made in gas tokens are charged at a higher rate than fee payments made in LINK. 

CCIP fees vary depending on a number of factors including (1) the selection of transferring tokens or messages, (2) the token transfer mechanism used by a token, (3) the chain-lane selected, (4) the token used to pay for fees, and (5) the gas costs of the destination chain. 

Tokens transferred via “burn and mint” or “lock and mint” token transfer mechanisms incorporate a flat fee premium model, in addition to the variable gas cost overhead. Tokens transferred via a lock-and-unlock token transfer mechanism, such as ETH, have a percentage-based fee premium model, in addition to the variable gas cost overhead.

For more information on the fees for using CCIP, visit https://docs.chain.link/ccip/billing.