Testnets on Transporter

Learn how you can transfer tokens and data between various blockchain testnets using the Transporter bridging app.

test.transporter.io is a dedicated webpage for transferring tokens or data across blockchain testnets via Chainlink CCIP. Through a simple and intuitive interface, developers can test the transfer of onboarded tokens across supported testnets, while users can demo the Transporter app before transferring real funds on mainnet.

Testnets are an instance of a blockchain powered by the same or a newer version of the underlying software, commonly used by developers for testing and experimentation before deploying to a mainnet network. Tokens deployed on a blockchain testnet are separate from the official tokens deployed on mainnet, have no value, and can be obtained for free from faucets. Note that tokens deployed on blockchain testnets cannot be transferred to blockchain mainnets and vice versa. 

After testing is complete, developers and users can use the app.transporter.io webpage to begin transferring tokens and data across blockchain mainnets. 

Transporter currently supports the following blockchain testnets: 

  • Arbitrum Sepolia
  • Avalanche Fuji
  • Base Sepolia
  • BNB Chain Testnet
  • Ethereum Sepolia
  • Optimism Sepolia
  • WEMIX Testnet